All you need to know about Data Visualization Design in 2023

In our increasingly data-driven world, the demand for data skills is so important for any field. With the goal of making data more accessible and powerful, data visualization design is a part of data skills. If you have the best business intelligence tool in the world but you don’t know how to visualize data through graphics such as charts, plots, or even if you know how to make it but the viewer can not understand it easily. It's pointless.

In this blog post, we’re gonna discover some easy ways to help you design a great dashboard data visualization, including the concept of data visualization design, valuable tips and exploring the best data visualization tool to use in 2023.                                 

What is Data visualization design and dashboard?

Data visualization design refers to the practice of creating visual representations of data to facilitate understanding, exploration and communication of insights. It involves the thoughtful and intentional selection of visual elements, such as charts, graphs, maps, and diagrams, to present data in a visually appealing and meaningful way. In addition, including key information, metrics, and data points consolidated into a single interface is a dashboard. 

Data Visualization design - Source: Dataflake 

Dashboards are commonly used in business, finance, marketing, and other fields to monitor and analyze data, track progress, and make informed decisions. Data dashboards offer a range of benefits to users across various industries and businesses:

  • Visual Representation of Performance: Users may easily comprehend and evaluate performance with the support of dashboards, which offer a visual description of essential performance 
  • Trend Identification: By presenting real-time data points, dashboards assist users in identifying trends and patterns in data, empowering them to make informed data-driven decisions.
  • Measurement of Efficiency: Dashboards allow for making data visualization easy to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and optimize processes.
  • Report Generation with Ease: generating detailed reports by saving time and effort through gathering and presenting data in a way that can be readily exported or shared.
  • Informed Decision-Making: allow users to make informed decisions based on precise and current information by giving a full view of data and important indicators.

In 2023, we have several ways to create a beautiful dashboard. However, which is the best way to make it impactful and useful? Let’s deep dive in below to get more!

5 Useful Tips for data visualization design

Imagining you create a dashboard but audiences don't know what you intend to present? You need to know some more practices to make your data visualization design more effective? We answer this question right now. 

What is your goal?

Before going to specifics, in order to make your data visualization design more interesting, relevant, and well-received by your target audience, you need to put yourself into your audience's shoes firstly. Ask yourself some questions:

  • Who is your audience?
  • How to meet their needs?
  • Which problem does your dashboard solve?
  • Did any troubles on the dashboard happen to your audience?...

When you’re ready to answer it, you will find your audience’s demand. Right now, are you ready to dig into these useful tips and tricks for the dashboard below?

Choose the Right Chart Type: Selecting the appropriate chart type is the best story and answers key primary questions. Start by understanding the variables in your data. Moreover, you should determine the type of data you have, such as categorical, quantitative, time-series, or hierarchical. 

Different chart types (such as bar charts, line charts, pie charts, scatter plots, etc.) are suitable for different types of data and insights. Don’t make it complicated, just take the insights from your data. For example, some common charts in use: 

  • Bar chart: a diagram that uses rectangular bars of various heights to visualize data. It can be used to compare categories or demonstrate changes over time.
  • Line Chart: displaying data by straight lines. It is useful for showing trends or changes over time.
  • Area Chart: displaying data as a series of lines, filling the space between the lines and the x-axis with color.  It is appropriate for displaying running totals over time.
Use pie chart to  compare categories

Keep it Simple and Clean: Strive for simplicity and clarity in your design. Avoid cluttering your dashboard with unnecessary visuals or overwhelming amounts of data. Furthermore, focus on presenting the most relevant and meaningful information in a clean and uncluttered layout. This will make it easier for stakeholders to navigate and understand the dashboard. 

Use Color Strategically: Color is a powerful tool in data visualization as it can convey information without relying on words. However, using color effectively requires a delicate balance. You should highlight and accentuate the information by Simplifying your color palette to avoid overwhelming your audience. Too many colors can create a chaotic and distracting visual experience. Therefore, choose a limited number of colors that are visually harmonious and easy to distinguish…

And specially, these tips are not just for casual people, we also have some advanced tips for those who have trouble with identifying the color. Here are some important notes to keep in mind: use color contrast, pick color schemes that are accessible to colorblind people and steer clear of unpleasant color pairings like red-green or blue-yellow and test your chosen color scheme with colorblind simulators or other tools.

Provide Context: To provide context to your data visualization, it is crucial to include relevant labels, titles, and captions. These elements should clearly explain the data source, units of measurement, and any limitations or caveats associated with the data. In addition, incorporating concise and informative titles and headings is also important to summarize the key message or question that your visualization addresses. By incorporating these elements, you enhance the understanding and interpretation of your data visualization.

Be mindful of the amount of information and interactions. Focus on presenting the most relevant and important information to your audience. Avoiding overwhelming them with excessive data points, details, or unnecessary complexity. In addition,  you can provide guidance, annotation or to ensure that users understand how to navigate and interact with the elements

Be consistent: Now, you have all the tips for visualization design you may need. But the thing is, you should maintain consistency in data visualization design progress which is the most important thing you need to know at all, just keep going and never give up!

Test User Experience: Always conduct usability testing and gather feedback from users to assess the effectiveness and usability of your visualization. Observe how users interact with the visualization and identify any challenges or areas for improvement. 

Best Data Visualization Tool in 2023

Are you looking to dive into the world of data visualization design? Look no further than Dataflake, an intuitive and user-friendly tool designed to make data visualization accessible to learners of all levels. With Dataflake, you can unleash your creativity and effectively communicate insights from your data in a visually engaging manner.

Dataflake is a data visualization tool that empowers users to design interactive and insightful dashboards.  Dataflake offers a range of features specifically tailored to help data people create compelling visualizations 

Dataflake interface

Beautiful User Interface: We have given the user's experience first priority and created a user-friendly interface. Our user interface offers a smooth and engaging experience and makes our tool simple to produce amazing visualizations.

Highly Customizable Data Visualization: Our application provides a wide range of customization options that let users create visualizations that are tailored to their individual requirements. Users have the freedom to design visualizations that reflect their branding or personal preferences by picking fonts, color schemes, and different chart formats. Each visualization is distinctive and catered to the particular data and audience because of this level of customisation.

Collaboration and Sharing: Collaborate with others by sharing your visualizations, and exporting them in various formats for easy sharing and embedding.

Moreover, our tool provides various upcoming features such as: managing queries in a single page, data anomaly monitoring, data quality monitoring, data incident management and dataflake BOT. All you may need in the future. 

Another quick way to start creating your Dashboard is using the dashboard template first! Using templates when creating a dashboard can help with time management, design inspiration, consistency, professional appearance, quick customization, and effective data organization. Especially suitable for those who are new to dashboard design or need a quick solution without compromising on quality.

Reading tip:  What's next? Start creating your first dashboard with Dataflake

Who should use Dataflake? 

If you are a start-up, small-medium business, or even a student who’s interested in empowering data visualization… but with a tight budget. Don't worry! Dataflake is the perfect fit for you. We offer a significantly lower price compared to other similar tools on the market, lower than the other 90%. Despite our lower price point, our tool still provides a diversity of features with a cheap price. We believe that budget limitations should not be a boundary to enhance your understanding of your business and help you achieve success. Don't hesitate to try our tool now! 


Data visualization design and dashboards have an important part in a big data world. You may make powerful visualizations by choosing the appropriate chart types, maintaining a straightforward and clean design, strategically employing color, adding context, and being aware of the volume of data and interactions. Using these tips will make your data visualization design  more professional. Besides that, you need to have the go-to tool for your project.

Dataflake empowers users to create impactful visualizations, enabling them to effectively communicate insights from their data. Start your data visualization journey with Dataflake and unlock your creativity. Moreover, we are offering 100% free access. So, let's create your first stunning Dashboard with Dataflake now.

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