Dataflake Visualizations for better storytelling

You may hear some principles or tips that you can apply to better deliver your messages throughout your Dashboard. One of the key parts of Dataflake is that you can customize your Dashboard in a matter of minutes. Our effort is helping users find it easy to quickly create their highly customizable and effective Dashboard. In this article, you will discover Dataflake Visualizations, which are design elements for telling your story better.

 Visualizations, which are design elements for telling your story better.

Dataflake Visualizations

If you want to find more informative articles about step-by-step instructions for building your Dashboard, check out this article: 

How to create your Dataflake Dashboard

Dataflake Visualizations


Currently, there are several Chart types that serve different purposes. These include: Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Mixed Chart, Card Chart, Table Chart, Scatter Chart, Bubble Chart, Horizontal Bar Chart, Sankey diagram, Map Chart 

Dataflake bar chart

For example, if you want to show data for your stakeholders that are distributed into geographical context, you can use Maps Chart. Depending on your needs, you can show data on a large region like a globe or a smaller scale like a country or a continent. 

Stay tuned with us for Charts coming soon.


Throughout the text, you can add any of your content, it is maybe titles, headings, or descriptions. Another useful thing to work on text is that you can add a link to text so as to easily transfer to other web-based resources or Reports 

Dataflake Text for title and description

Creating Text is so simple, just click the Text icon from the toolbar, then draw a box on the canvas and write your text in the blanks.

Customizing your Text is so easy. You can select size, typography, color, alignment, and overflow. You can even design text borders with many options. Hence, you can say goodbye to default text or fewer options for text designs. 


Shapes help to accentuate your data components, banners and other graphical effects. There is a wide range of shapes that you can opt for such as Square, triangle, octagon, oval/circle.

When you draw a shape box on the canvas, you will see a toolbar appearing on the bottom of your created shape.

This is where you can style your shapes by color, border color, and border weight which you want to set the lightness or thickness for the border. Additionally, you can beautify your shape border by choosing solid, dashed, or dotted. You can make rounded corners for shapes by selecting Border radius.

Use shape to highlight visualizations


Imagine your Dashboard has some important points which need to attract viewers but you have so many components in your Dashboard. Use lines and arrows to highlight essential points in the report or to connect elements.

The Arrow icon is easy to find on the left toolbar. Click it and draw a line on the canvas. The “style” panel is at the bottom of the arrow.

There are 4 sessions you should know for your arrow.

Line start will help to choose the shape for the arrow starts. And versus, the line end helps to choose the shape for the arrow end.

Line style includes 3 options: solid, dashed, and dotted and line weight includes the lightness or thickness of the arrow which you can select. 

Dataflake arrrow


After clicking on the images icon on the toolbar, you can draw a box on the canvas where you want to display your image. You can also decide the image size based on the size of the box you draw. 

The toolbar lies on the bottom side. 

Image type is where you can opt to upload your images. There are 2 ways: from the URL link and from your computer.

Image source is where you insert the source to upload your image.

If you choose the URL type, you should connect the URL to a web-based image.

If you choose to upload from your computer, you can choose an image from your hard drive and insert it into the canvas.

Styling images is not too complicated, you can choose font, size, word highlights, alignment, and colors. 

Use image to tell your story

When you know these Design Visualization, let empower your Dashboard design by considering some tips or principles. And let's create your first stunning Dashboard with Dataflake now.

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