Discover Dataflake Dashboard Templates

If you don’t want to create a new Dashboard and start connecting to a data source (if needed), then execute a query to retrieve necessary data and continue to choose a chart to visualize your data. This is just a basic process, a data member needs to customize the dashboard to express your message and suit the demand, also to the target audiences.

If you want to set up your Dashboard quickly, we have a solution for you: Dataflake Dashboard templates. You can apply templates that match your different purposes. Then, you can customize whatever you wish.

But if you want to start from scratch. No worries. it doesn’t take you too much time. Quickly start creating your new Dashboard 

So, let’s discover pre-made templates that help to meet your projects or clients

Types of Dataflake Dashboard templates

Sales Dashboard

Some metrics you can add to demonstrate your Sales Outcome in a particular time are: Cost, Revenue, Profit, Quantity, etc. Based on your purposes, you will display your Chart in different kinds of visualizations. For example, to show the total revenue, you can use a card to count in total. 

Just click and view on the right panel, and you can see the example data sources and query execution. You can customize your Dashboard on your own.

Dataflake Sales Dashboard template

SEO Dashboard template

Sessions in the Dashboard are completely structured. Therefore, when stakeholders look at your Dashboard, they can promptly grasp the concept of your story. 

If you want to change metrics to show, you can customize by connecting to Data Sources, writing a query or importing files and other design elements 

Dataflake SEO Dashboard template

Web Analytics Dashboard

Tracking your Website analytics and visualizing collected data in the dashboard is not complex at all. You can take advantage of this website analytics template. If you don’t like the background, text, or chart colors, you can change them. But we have some tips you can consider to empower color in your Dashboard

Dataflake Web Analytics Dashboard template

CDN Logs Dashboard

If you are IT DevOps or IT Developers, the CDN Logs template Dashboard is helpful to your work. You can modify this template to another kind of Dashboard in your operation environment. It is undoubtedly to save your time so that you can focus on your core. 

Dataflake CDN Logs Dashboard template

Digital Marketing (coming soon)

Social Media (coming soon)

Google Search Console (coming soon)

There are 4 commonplace available Dataflake pre-made Dashboard Templates mentioned above. The rest is coming soon. So, stay tuned and update the release of our features. 

Nevertheless, don’t let your created Dashboards just Dashboards. You can monitor your crucial metrics and get notified via communication channels if there are any changes that deviate from the conditional configuration. These features are about to release soon. 

Quickly register Dataflake and see how we can ease your repetitive works

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